June 27

by Barrett Bartels June 27, 2017

June 27

History Tuesday:
As you go camping, hiking, or are hanging out on the deck and applying insect repellent, do you wonder about its origin? Here are a few interesting facts!
 Since ancient times, natural plant materials and oils have been used to ward off bugs. Citronella was especially popular 
 People sometimes mixed these oils with animal fat or mud to coat their skin 
Another method was to burn citronella like a candle 
Several chemical insect repellents were patented in the 1920s and 30s. Most of those don't exist anymore in current bug sprays
 After jungle warfare during WWII, America seriously looked into effective chemical insect repellents
 Deet was manufactured and used first in agricultural, then approved for military use in 1946
 Deet was used in public products in 1957 and grew in popularity quickly. About 35% of Americans use products containing deet yearly 
 According to its manufactures, deet is safe with no toxic side effects. However, if you are wary about spraying your family down with a chemical that will dissolve nylon and damage water bottles then there are natural options!
 If you'd like to learn more about our natural Bug Away and how it works, visit our website! 

Barrett Bartels
Barrett Bartels


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