May 9

by Barrett Bartels May 09, 2017

May 9

History Tuesday:
I've been #springcleaning like crazy lately and LOVING it (my hubby tells me it's not healthy to like cleaning so much ) So, today we played in the lovely spring weather too! Here's and interesting short history of spring cleaning to motivate you!
Spring cleaning can be traced back to one of 3 cultures-Iranian, Jewish, or Chinese
 Iranian people celebrate Nowruz, their New Year on the spring equinox (March 21). To begin this 2 week celebration, they start with "khooneh tekouni".
 Khooneh tekouni literally means "shaking the house" and everything is cleaned to be in like-new condition
 Jewish people celebrate Passover is March/April. During this time, they are required to remove all leavened products from their homes
 Jewish people thoroughly clean their homes and then go on a traditional hunt for missed crumbs, called "bedikat chametz" the night before Passover begins
 Chinese people celebrate their new year in the spring as well. Before New Year celebrations begin, they thoroughly clean their homes to rid them of any bad luck accrued during the year
The first few days of the Chinese New Year it is forbidden to sweep as they don't want to sweep out any good luck that was left during celebrations.
Fun, right? So whatever your reason for spring cleaning, and whether you love it or hate it, essential oils can make the job easier and faster! We  Cleanse and Lemon  for cleaning!

Barrett Bartels
Barrett Bartels


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