What type of cleaner are you? Do you wait until the spring to deep clean the entire house? Or do you do little bits all year? We actually do both.
We clean the house weekly (think bathrooms, mopping, dusting). Then we have the pictured monthly schedule for the highly trafficked areas. The harder to reach things like windows, blinds, and light fixtures all get cleaned during spring cleaning.
And, no, I don't do all of this alone. I can't...it's too much. We all live in the house so we all clean the house (Daddy too!). The kids clean their own rooms and bathrooms weekly and do the majority of the monthly chores as well. I do most of the spring cleaning alone, but sometimes a kid or two will ask to help.
And we love to add a little Lemon, Orange, Citrus Blast, or Cleanse to our cleaning solutions to make the chores more pleasant. The kids even love to choose the scent they want to clean with (water/vinegar + a drop or 2 of EOs cleans a lot).
So what's your choice? Do it all at once, spread the cleaning out, or a little of both?
Rachel Bartels