Teacher Appreciation Week

by Rachel Bartels April 29, 2021

Teacher Appreciation Week

It's coming! Teacher Appreciation Week, that is. And, after the last year and a half, I think we all appreciate our teachers a little more around here! They have worked tirelessly for our kiddos. Working to make the weird seem more tolerable. To make learning fun, even if it's lonely or different. Working to make sure kids academic needs are met. Working to make sure kids are feeling heard and seen in this time of confusion. Teachers ROCK!

So why not pamper them a little this year? Below are some great ideas for gifts that are sure to bring a smile to any teacher's face!

* Favorite candy

* Gift card to their favorite restaurant

* Fun beverage 

* Favorite snack

* Flowers or seeds with a cute pot decorated by your kids

* Something to go with their fav hobby

* A gift card to Redbox or a movie theater

* A Detox Bath

* Natural Hand Sanitizer

* Natural Lotions

* Essential oils to keep them feeling well (think Immunity, Calming, Lavender)

* A shirt/hat/apron decorated by your kids

* a finger-weaved bracelet made by your kids

Or simply a sweet card made by your kids listing all the reasons they enjoy their teacher. Sometimes, the simplest gifts are the best!

Whether the gift is simple or involved, the teachers in this world will feel so loved just by knowing they were seen, heard, and thanked this year.

Rachel Bartels
Rachel Bartels


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